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Back on Track has been created to support you in your physical and emotional recovery after heart problems. By maintaining a healthy body and mind you can improve your quality of life and reduce your chance of another heart event. That means a healthier, fuller and more meaningful life.

What is the ‘Back on Track’ program?

The Back on Track program is a free, self-management program delivered online, allowing people to complete desired modules when and where they want, at their own pace. The program is designed to help people improve their behavioural and emotional wellbeing after a cardiac event.

The Back on Track program teaches people self-management strategies, including clarifying personal goals and values, weighing up pros and cons of change, identifying barriers and enablers, and making ‘action plans’ for what to do, and ‘coping plans’ for how to do it.

What is involved in the ‘Back on Track’ program?

You will be given access to the Back on Track program, which includes a goal-setting module and four lifestyle modules on physical activity, dietary change, smoking cessation and emotional wellbeing. You can choose whichever of the lifestyle modules are relevant for you.

Am I eligible?

You are able to access the Back on Track program if you have had a heart event, such as heart attack, heart surgery or stent, or unstable angina. You will also need to have access to a computer/tablet and the internet.

Enrol in Back on Track

To enrol in Back on Track, you can contact the Cardiac Wellbeing Program on 03 9326 8544 or or click the link below.